El Archivo histórico del Banco de España

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Elena Serrano
Patricia Alonso
Rosario Calleja


The Historical Archive of Banco de España, located in Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid, houses the institution’s documentary heritage. This archive is a primary source for the study of Spanish economy, society, and politics over the past 242 years, as well as for the institution’s internal history. It is one of the best banking and financial archives in the world, reflecting the life of the institution itself and also that of the organizations, banks, and individuals that have interacted with it. It is a mirror of the events, people, and mentalities of our recent history. It has been open to public consultation since 1982. 


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How to Cite
Serrano, E., Alonso, P., & Calleja, R. (2024). El Archivo histórico del Banco de España. CLIP De SEDIC: Revista De La Sociedad Española De Documentación E Información Científica, (90), 72–85. https://doi.org/10.47251/clip.n90.159
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