Solo libraries, let's say we are talking about a Hospital Health Sciences Library
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Solo librarians must know a little bit of everything and be fully involved with the goals and mission of the institutions/organizations. They must be experts in internal and external collaboration and cooperation in order to grow and survive inside and outside the institution. One of their great weaknesses is the problems of both institutional and external identity. In the case of health sciences librarians, they currently have a profile, the p22 Librarian/documentalist specialized in health sciences Professional profiles of the Spanish library system: characterization sheet. Its strength must lie in its knowledge of the environment in which they are going to carry out their work in order to adapt and evolve with its organization, its mission, objectives, quality specialized sources of information, its users and internal and external networks. One of its greatest threats is its lack of organic integration in the institution, with a structure and functioning adapted to its institutional strategy and with the sole and direct dependence on the management. In the Autonomous Community of Madrid, hospital health sciences libraries do not have an official internal regulation, but work is being done through the BiblioMadSalud BiblioEstructura working group. The great opportunity, the raison to be of a solo librarian libraries is to work for their users, facilitating the development of their professional life and in relation to the strategic objectives of the institution. In health sciences libraries a great deal of work is done as mediators of access to information with users and in the development of services to facilitate information and knowledge management. As well as the quality process necessary for the proper functioning of the library and the fulfillment of its institutional objectives. Solo librarian need to create a team to strengthen with users and empower with the knowledge of the environment, and to fight collaboratively with weaknesses such as identity and the threat posed, in many cases, by the lack of formal regulation of these libraries and their staff.
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